We asked for photos showcasing real travelers for the 2019 Virtuoso Travel Photo Contest, and you delivered. Hundreds of entries in this year’s competition featured sweet family moments in New Zealand, selfies on safari, and so many poses in front of the Eiffel Tower – testament that it’s a beautiful thing to get out from behind the camera (or smartphone) and put yourself front and center in the moment. Check out the top three images – selected by a panel of judges at Virtuoso – below.

First Place

Nepal's Annapurna Trek - Virtuoso Travel Photo Contest 2019: First Place

“Towards Mountain” by Raut Ronish Baburam
Pokhara, Nepal

“Hiking to Nepal’s Annapurna Base Camp at 13,549 feet was one of the toughest trails I’ve experienced. This picture will be a lifelong memory.”

Read More: Tourism That Makes a Difference in India and Nepal

Second Place

Casablanca, Morocco - Virtuoso Travel Photo Contest 2019 - Second Place

“Morocco 2019” by David Bladen
Casablanca, Morocco

Third Place

Lucca, Italy - Virtuoso Travel Photo Contest 2019 - Third Place

“My Mother in Lucca” by Jennifer Forrester
Lucca, Italy

“Vacationing with 14 family members in Italy was amazing! It was the best to see my mother surrounded by her children and grandchildren, soaking up every minute. This photo of her walking through the cypress trees at our villa will always be one of my favorite captures of her.”

Read More: 5 Reasons to Plan a Villa Vacation

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